Family Office
Our aim is to be regarded as the “family trustee” in the traditional sense that it once had before trustee services became a tax or wealth capturing “product”.
Principally we provide independent trustee and offshore coporate services to a number of families but it is the way in which we provide these services which leads us to think of ourselves as a traditional multi family office rather than a trust company. We encourage clients to see us as a family resource rather than a service provider.
The outcome of this approach is that we are able to deliver what the family desires rather than a standard product. Our pricing mechanism allows families to involve us more in their discussions and decision making. Crucially, we are able to spend time with families and not just in a business capacity. We regard this as time well spent as it deepens the understanding on both sides and allows us a much wider vision of how a family operates. We believe this is essential particularly when acting in a trustee capacity.
We have developed a discussion document attached which we call a family charter for use in the family environment to aid family discussions.
We are not an investment house or investment advisors. We do not accept commissions or retrocessions from client’s investments.
Our Services
The services we provide are varied ranging from the provision of independent trustees and offshore directors to basic book keeping.